g-forbes digital services

The time has come to put down my coding pen and design tools, so I have to inform you that I am no longer developing web sites or producing publicity artwork on a regular basis.

I will maintain existing websites for now, until they are handed over to a new webmaster, but won't be adding or hosting any new ones.

If you have a secific request regarding artwork, please feel free to contact me and I will consider ad hoc requests but I won't promise anything

Thank you to those who have supported me in the past, have a good life.



You have landed on the arts related page of Graham Forbes - if you are looking for the web and publicity service then hit the button on the menu.

Still here, well you are very welcome, let me introduce myself.

I am someone who dabbles in writing, composing and bit of acting from time to time. Most of it has been for pleasure but recently things have got a bit more active. I took to writing short plays and monologues a few years ago, and now I have a small catalogue of whimsicle writings that have been performed around the world - genuinely - ranging from the light hearted to the slightly sinister.

The script writing, and to certain extent the musical compositions, has mainly been with, and for, theatrical groups with which I have been associated; namely Avonmill players (now defunct), All & Sundry Productions, Caravan Productions and Write Her Direct Her, the latter of which have involved me in podcast recordings as well as supporting other writers with table reads of their scripts.

Stage performances include such diverse works as Macbeth, An Inspector Calls and Hobsons Choice to Allo Allo, No Sex Please We're British and The Vicar of Dibley. I also occasionally crop up on YouTube in the odd podcast.

I'm not touting for work by the way, just thought you would be interested if you managed to get this far!

Scripts and Monologues

Writing has become an unanticipated hobby over the past few years, partly as a spin off from participating in a semi-professional theatrical group. Initially I wrote a couple of monologues - in the style of Bob Newhart - for a comedy evening. That was followed by two ‘Tales of the Unexpected’ style short plays which, to my surprise, were warmly received when performed in the UK, and have also been performed at drama festivals in America. Since then I have started creating short plays and monologues, varying from slightly wacky comedy to thoughtful mysteries. I also have to thank Caravan Productions for encouraging me to write and providing a platform upon which to have my work performed, as well as for setting writers around the world challenges to deliver ideas on a variety of themes.

To give you a flavour of my work, here is an audio recording of a performance of one of my pieces from Caravan Productions penned to celebrate William Shakespeare's birthday, which happend tp be St George's Day (in England).

I am happy for some of my catalogue to be performed either on stage, or as audio broadcasts. If you are interested, use the contact form below. The current library of available scripts is listed here. As a guide, monologues are usually under 10 minutes, the short plays range from around 15 to 35 minutes.

The Monologues

The Short Plays

Musical composition

Music is Life. That’s why our hearts have beats.Cecily Morgan

Music has been a huge part of my life, from playing in folk clubs in my early years to experimenting with music technology as I grew older. I have always enjoyed composing and have had the pleasure of being asked to write incidental music for theatre, nothing grand you understand. I have also been creating a library of my own compositions over thirty years or so, most of which should be consigned to the bin. However I do have a few pieces that I have consolidated into albums, as they are released you can hear the tracks and buy the albums on Bandcamp. You can follow the link below to go there - you will be asked to sign up for a free Bandcamp account, but there is no obligation once you are there. Take the opportunity to explorte thousands of artists whlie you are there.

In the meantime, you can find a selection of some compositions below.

Select Track


Composed for Drama

Composed for the stage play and podcast of the same name performed by Avonmill Players
Written for the YouTube broadcast of 'The Curious Case of the Dogwood Bark' - a Caravan Theatre production
Introduction music for this play performed by All & Sundry entitled 'New Jerusalem'
Third variation of incidental music for 'An Inspector Calls' - the disintegration of the family refelected in the disintegration of the music
Incidental music for my play Will & Testimony

Album tracks (extracts)

Album: Ring of dark water
Album: Ring of dark water
Album: Ring of dark water
Album: Ring of dark water
Album: Opus Fruits
Album: Ring of Dark Water

Get in touch

I'm always happy to chat about ideas for writing, reading scripts or composing short pieces for drama performances (to avoid copyright issues), or if you are interested in any of the scripts listed then drop me a message in the form below and I'll get in touch. If you are looking for other new writing pieces to perform I can also put you in touch with other enthusiastic writers.

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